Sunday, June 12, 2011

When it Rains it Pours

I am absolutely terrible at keeping up with this blog.  But since I have a few minutes I thought I would sit down and put my thoughts into words.  Since my last entry our world has been flipped upside down, right side up, and right back down again.  Izzy, Devin, and Jason have all had some kind of surgery in the past few months and I just got released from the hospital with a Bells Palsy attack.  But lets start at the beginning shall we?

Izzy was the first to have surgery a week after her fourth birthday.  We had a wonderful fairy grotto in our living room and she had a special fairy costume that she wore.  We all had a blast and the cake was amazing!!

Then a few days later she had oral surgery on her mouth.  She was absolutely fabulous and just as the doctors said she doesn't remember even a moment of it, mommy will never forget but she wont ever remember which is a very good thing.

Then a month later it was Jason's turn for surgery.  He finally found  a doctor who figured out what was wrong and how to fix it.  Turns out he had a missing bone in his spine which caused a small fracture on the bone beneath it which was crushing his nerves in his spine. So he went under the knife and got a spinal fusion, a small bone was taken off his hip to replace the missing bone, and small rods placed by the spine for support.

Then it was time for Devin's 10th birthday.  We had a Pokemon Black and White party where the kids basically were allowed to do what they wanted.  LOL.  They played WII, Xbox 360, and of course their DSIs. 

Then a few days after his birthday he was in the operating room for one of the two surgeries needed for his feet.  They placed a small plug in his foot to lift his ankle bone off his heel bone, to realign his foot so he walks properly.  Hopefully this saves him from any further complications like back pain, hammer toes, etc.

They are all doing very well since their surgeries and life went back to semi normal for the Carters. School, work, etc, and of course still waiting on the military to decide what to do with us.  Jason has a meeting this week that maybe will give us a better idea what the next year will bring. 

Then BAM!!  Mommy has a string of migraines, ending in a lovely trip to the ER and being admitted into the hospital with a Bells Palsy attack.  Noone knows why it happened so have no clear idea how to fix it of course.  Since then I have come to realize how amazing my husband is.  My face is still partially paralyzed one eye remaining open at all times, and one side of my mouth not moving.  Despite all of that he still kisses me all the time and wants that special attention only a wife can give her husband.  So even when I feel like I belong in the circus, I feel appreciated and loved by my wonderful husband.  So I took my day of rest, I took my day of pity now the laundry mountain is being tackled, Father's Day gifts in the process of being made.  Completely humbling and life affirming to have those simple tasks to do.

So again the wheels of the Carter train are back on track, a little wobbly at times, but still full of steam headed towards whatever lays through the mountains.