Saturday, December 18, 2010

Been awhile

It has been a little while since I have been on here.  This time of year is a busy busy time but I wanted to take a few minutes and update what has been going on. 

We have an added member of our family.  Little Chloe Ann Bradshaw was born on December 14 at 1:10 pm.  She weighed in as a whopping 7 lbs.  2 oz. and 19 3/4 in. long.  Mommy and baby are home and doing well.

Jason is still working on the MEB, called someone this week who is supposed to be coordinating all of the things that need to be done and she informed him that she has not been notified that there was an MEB opened on Jason yet.  So yay!!!  Jason has to figure out what is going on so the 6-9 months has been postponed.  Fantastic.  He goes in on the 28th of this month to get a second opinion on his back from a Neurosurgeon from Philadelphia Hospital.  Depending on what that doctor says we could be looking at a back surgery for him and at least 6 weeks of convalescent leave.  Yay!!  For him anyway.  So just waiting to find out about all that.

In other news we took Izzy and Devin to a new dentist in town and I absolutely love them!!  They have a monkey and made Isabelle feel comfortable which says a lot for them.  She has a hard time with new people and the fact that they both came out smiling was a great relief for me.  The bad news is is that Isabelle needs 6 baby root canals with 6 caps.  The dentist said that it is a genetic thing, her saliva processes sugar differently from other kids, leaving the sugar on her teeth longer.  Got that from me unfortunately.  LOL. (Her temper is still her daddy's though.) So we have to wait for both the medical and dental insurance to approve the process and then it will be an inpatient surgery at the hospital unfortunately.  I will be glad to get both these processes over with and behind us. 

Despite all that we are enjoying our holiday season and the kids are counting down the days until Santa comes to town.  We have ridden the train with Santa, visited Santa while grocery shopping where Izzy got a brand new Tangled bike from an older gentleman and both kids got a brand new toy, and we just saw Santa today at the Airman's Attic where the kids again got a new toy.  The kids are enjoying celebrating the season with new and old traditions from watching Rudoloph the Red Nosed Reindeer and drinking hot cocoa to decorating the tree all on their own. 

Merry Christmas to you all and
Happy New Year!!!

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